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Photo Gallery

Adding a Photo Gallery

Pamplin Utility Class

Ensure the Pamplin Ensemble Utility Javascript is added to your site

Your domain needs to be whitelisted. Please email Jim Dickhans if you would like to use this utility.

  1. Upload and publish images in specific folder
    Caption information and title will be passed to the photo gallery
  2. Add a HTML Element to page
  3. Add Class to HTML Element
  4. Add following script to the body of the HTML element
    <script type="text/javascript">
    window.photogalleryConfig = {
    folder:"{Location to Folder in Assets}"
  • folder (required): location to folder in assets
  • layout: Options: "justified", "grid", "cascading" (Default: "justified")
  • rows: number of rows that show on load and additional rows when the more photos is selected (Default: "3")
  • sort: method to sort photos. Options: "taken" or "alpha" (Default: "taken")
  • thumbWidth: width of thumbnail in pixels for grid & cascading layout (Default: "200")
  • thumbHeight: height of thumbnail in pixels for cascading layout (Default: "auto")

Sample Photo Gallery

Example Configuration File

<script type="text/javascript"> 
window.photogalleryConfig = {