A/V Services

The Office of Information Technology can assist with setting up, administrating, running, and producing many of your A/V needs.
Below are services we can provide. To request any of these services, please fill out a request.
Class Recording
The Pamplin IT team can come to your class to record a special speaker or we can pre-recording help sessions or problem sets. We have equipment for easy to use digital "inking" to handle complex financial and math problems. All videos can be available to post in Canvas or email to anyone.
Zoom / Video Conference Setups
Event Streaming / Recording
Have an event or guest speaker? Do you want to stream this event live for remote people or to the Northern Virginia campus? Our teams has the equipment to easily stream events from Blacksburg to the world.
Post-Process Editing
Have footage from an event or need to create a basic video? The Pamplin IT team can assist with most post-processing needs. For more complex or larger-scale marketing videos, please contact PRISM for assistance.
PA System
Pamplin IT has the equipment to provide a PA system in the Pamplin Atrium or other venues around campus.
Atrium / Department Signage
Quick Links
- Virginia Tech Video Conferencing (Zoom)
- Self-service Video Conferencing (Zoom, Skype for Business, Google Hangouts, Canvas Conferencing)