Jim Dickhans

2004 B Pamplin Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Jim earned his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Tech. Wanting to move to IT Management, Jim continued and earned his Master in Business Administration with an IT Focus. Upon graduation, Jim moved his family to Washington DC for an IT consulting job. With a young growing family, Washington DC was not as desirable and in December 2010 moved back to Blacksburg for the role of Director of IT for the Pamplin College of Business.
Through his tenure at Pamplin, Jim has expanded the IT staff from just himself and 6 students to a team of four professionals and 10-15 students per semester. Much of the growth is due to movement in strategic areas where technology is utilized. Jim’s passion is using technology as a useful tool to aid in more efficient ad higher quality work.
Jim enjoys spending time with his wife, Megan, and children, Tess, Patrick, and Erin. He is involved in Scouting and is currently Cubmaster of Pack 44 and the Scoutmaster of Troop 44 in Blacksburg.
BIT 3444 - Advance Business Comp and Applications (Fall 2020)
Study of selected advanced topics in business computing. Construction of business applications using an advanced application development environment such as Visual Studio.net. Coverage of computer terminology, HTML, and Internet applications. The course builds computer literacy and strong programming skills. Junior standing required.